Hi there.
This is my message for the start of the 2022 school year.
First of all, a big thank you to the customers who ordered plots of green lettuces and curly parsleys. Some orders are still being processed.
Please note that the availability of green lettuces stops at the end of August and that the availability of curly parsley stops at the end of September.
There are still 9 plots of green lettuce available and 73 plots of curly parsley available.
As stated in my AMA of Friday August 26th, 2022, fruit trees are coming soon.
The global economic situation, but also that of farmers, is not easy at the moment. Certain contracts and agreements have been renegotiated in order to adapt to the current economic situation.
Crowdgrowing in France is still in its very early stages. Many producers do not answer our emails and/or do not play the game correctly yet. Our best producer remains the one in Normandy.
In France, the 2 biggest problems are the shortage of personnel and the economic slowdown. However, I am very happy to see that Plantfarm is starting to be known all over Europe.
This start of the 2022 school year is an opportunity for me to renew my wish to make Plantfarm (Nokena), the most serious crowdgrowing company in Europe.
If you have any questions, feel free to email or call us.
Guillaume, CEO of Plantfarm