Hi there. This is my message for November 2022. First of all, a big thank you to customers who have ordered plots lately. All orders have been processed. In this press release, I would like to address an important issue and recall...

Hi there. This is my message for the start of the 2022 school year. First of all, a big thank you to the customers who ordered plots of green lettuces and curly parsleys. Some orders are still being processed. Please note that the...
- more 2022 school year / CEO / crowdgrowing / curly parsley / economic situation / europe / farmers / fruit trees / green lettuce / message / plantfarm / plots

Hello, I sincerely want to thank your investors. In this difficult time, their gestures are welcome. The ”intense” heat puts the resistance of the plants to the test, I am forced to water twice a day + a misting during...
- more agriculture / farmer / foliage / heat / message from the producer / Normandy / plant / plantfarm blog / plantfarm message

Hi there. On May 2nd, 2022, our producer in Normandy sent us 2 photos and a message. Until now, we hadn’t had time to put them online. But it is now done. Please find below what we received : “I am pleased to send you ...

Dear customers, Guillaume, the CEO of Nokena (the parent company of Plantfarm) will announce this evening 07/15th/2022 (Friday video) the availability of v3 stablenodes and investments in quantum computers (processors, photonic mo...
- more august / heat wave / july / plant / plantfarm information / plot / producer / production / raw materials / sectors / staff shortages / summer